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Do you have to let the police come inside?

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2023 | Criminal Defense

If a police officer asks to come inside your house, do you actually have a choice? Is it actually a question or are they demanding to come inside?

Regardless of how they phrase it, it does need to be a question. The officer needs your permission to enter your home. They are asking you for your consent, and there’s no legal obligation for you to provide it. Even if they say something manipulative like “you’re just making this worse,” you do have a right to privacy in your own home. Without your consent, they cannot legally enter the house – in most cases.

What are the exceptions?

There are exceptions, of course. The most common is when the police have a search warrant. If they go to a judge and get a warrant before coming to your home, they may still ask for consent. But the warrant technically gives them the ability to enter the home and perform the search even without that consent. 

It is usually wise to ask them if you can see the warrant. This proves that they have it, and because it may be limited in some ways – such as telling them what parts of the house they can look at or what they intend to find.

Another exception is when there is an emergency. Police may be in hot pursuit of a suspect, they may think evidence is being destroyed or they may claim that someone inside the house is in danger. Essentially, the emergency just means there’s no time to go get a warrant, but they have to enter the house right away. If they do this, though, they do have to provide justification in the future.

If you’re facing criminal charges, it’s important to know what restrictions the police have and what options you have if they violate your rights.